This section provides information about the various screens accessible from the system menu.


3.1 Message Button

Once you have logged into the system correctly, you will be presented with the ‘Message’ screen. This screen provides a list of all the message groups that the user can manage (send text, voice and email messages).

If you have logged in as an administrator, the system will present a list of all school message groups, as an administrator has full control over all groups in the school. Therefore an administrator will be presented with a screen similar to the following:

A manager will be presented with a list of only the groups they have been setup to manage:

3.2 My Details Button

The ‘My Details’ screen is available to both administrators and managers. This screen allows a user to edit their personal details and change their PIN or password. 

3.3 Admin Button

The “Admin” screen is only available to School Administrators. It allows an administrator to run various administration tasks.

3.4 Help Button

When selected, the “Help” button will display context specific help information in a pop-out window. For example, if you select the “Help” button when on the “Message” screen, help information about how to use the “Message” screen will appear.

3.5 Logout Button


The “Logout” button will sign the current user out of the system.

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