DIARYZONEA complete picture of every pupil's non-timetabled activitiesDIARYZONE automatically collates key data to create a richer, centralised record of pupils’ non-timetabled activities by drawing together information collected across the entire UNIFY applications suite.
Staff can use the service for digital roll call, administrators can see where everyone is at any time, and the school can quickly identify statistical insights for high-level reporting and analysis.
INDIVIDUAL PUPIL PROFILES Import data from other UNIFY applications to build a unique pupil profile, detailing non-timetabled activities and attendance. |
ADD PERSONAL NOTES Add personal notes to inform reports and reviews, or to share important profile information with colleagues. |
DIGITAL ROLL CALL Instantly access participant lists to enable digital roll call, on any device, even when out of the classroom for clubs or sports fixtures. |
REPORTING & ANALYSIS Record and collate for personal reports or to reveal participation rates and other valuable school-level statistics. |
SIMPLERFOR STAFFDIARYZONE completes the picture, providing information typically missing from MIS systems while enhancing the value of other UNIFY applications.
COMPLIMENTSEXISTING SYSTEMSCollate and analyse activities information to reveal participation, school representation and other useful statistics.
VALUABLEDATAOne-time set up gets you off and running fast, using existing data from your MIS. Intuitive controls mean there’s no need for lengthy training.