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Click here to view a video guide on creating a Batch Club
Click here to view a video guide on editing a Batch Club


Batch Clubs enable parents to book their children onto a Club for every session through a single booking. Before creating a Batch Club, you will need to create Club Categories. When booking Batch Clubs, the option for parents to rank their preference for their child attending a Club can be enabled. This is set up in the Categories page.

To create Batch Club Categories

1. Ensure you are logged into the Staff Message Centre.

2. Click ‘Batch Clubs’ in the Co-Curricular Zone.

3. Click ‘Categories’ in the left-hand menu.

4. Type the Category title, select a Calendar Category if appropriate, and type a Form Comment.

5. If you wish to enable priority labelling for Clubs in the Category, click ‘Yes’ in the Priority option, enter the total number of priorities offered to parents, and enter the number of Clubs a parent can request a place for.

Batch PriorityThe Batch Club Category Priority section

6. Click ‘Save’ once these details have been entered.

To create a Batch Club

1. Ensure you are logged into the Staff Message Centre.

2. Click ‘Batch Clubs’ in the Co-Curricular Zone.

3. Click the ‘+New’ button in the right-hand corner.

4. Enter the Club’s title; select the appropriate Club Category, and the correct school term. (Term information is entered separately, click here for further details).

5. Enter the number of places the Club holds, choose whether you wish to automatically approve pupil places, or manually decide this, and whether the Club should automatically close once all places have been filled.

batch details

The New Batch Club page

6. Use the search bar to select the Club’s leader. (The club leader should be a member of school staff in ClarionCall).

7. Type a description of the Club, and if applicable enter the cost.

8. Once you have entered the appropriate details, click ‘Submit’.

To edit a Batch Club

1. Click 'Options' and click 'Edit Club'.

2. The ‘Basic’ section will contain the details you have previously entered. A ‘Status’ and a ‘Booking’ option will display, it is best to keep the status set as ‘Draft’ until all Club details have been entered and saved. Booking can be set to automatically open and close on a certain date and time, click ‘Timed’ in the ‘Booking’ field.

a. Select the booking open date and time.
b. Select the booking close date and time.


The ‘Timed’ booking feature

Click ‘Save’ after editing any details.

3. Scroll down to the ‘Advanced’ section. Upload an attachment file if required (this can contain further information about the Club). If the Club requires confirmation of terms and conditions, select the ‘Yes’ option, and upload a confirmation file that must be read and acknowledged before a Club place can be requested. Click ‘Save’ after uploading any documents.

4. Club session dates must be added before attendees can be added.

a. Choose whether to tell parents the status of their request by clicking ‘Yes/No’ for the ‘Reveal’ option.

i. To add Club sessions, scroll to the ‘Sessions’ section. Either add each session individually by selecting the appropriate date, start and end times and clicking ‘Add Session’.
ii. Or, Click ‘Range of Sessions, enter the date range, select the correct weekday and enter the start and end time and click ‘Add Sessions’. This will create a session for the selected weekday throughout the date range selected at the same time.
iii. Once your sessions have been created, click ‘Save’.

batch sessions

The Batch Club Sessions section

5. After saving your sessions, scroll up to the ‘Attendees’ section, which will display Waiting List, Accepted, Declined and Manually Select columns. If necessary, manually add pupils by clicking the ‘Manual Select’ tab, and using the filter options to select pupils. Click ‘Save’ after editing any details. Once booking opens, the other columns will populate with requests.

6. Scroll down to the ‘Availability’ section; select the correct academic ‘Availability’ year, and then the appropriate year group(s). Click ‘Add Group’ after selecting a year group. Repeat as necessary.

batch availability

The Batch Club Availability section

7. Scroll down to the ‘Head Start Booking’ section. This enables booking to be opened for selected parents ahead of the rest. Selecting ‘Open’, saving and the refreshing the page will display the search bar enabling you to select parents to open the booking early for. Click ‘Save’ after selecting parents.

batch headstart

The Batch Club Head Start Booking section

8. Once you have entered the appropriate details, and selected the correct pupils, you can publish the Club. There are two ways this can be done, either scroll to the top of the ‘Edit’ page, click the ‘Published’ status button, and save. Or, in the ‘Batch Clubs’ page, tick the tick-box for the correct club, click ‘Bulk’, and click ‘Publish Club and Sessions’.

batch bulk

The Batch Clubs Bulk menu

9. Once the Club has been published, if you have not used the ‘Timed’ booking feature, Club booking can be opened by ticking the appropriate tick-box, clicking ‘Bulk’ and clicking 'Open Booking’. Alternatively, click ‘Options’ and then ‘Edit Club’, in the ‘Basic’ section, tick ‘Open’ in the ‘Booking’ field and save.